Children and families

We all need help every so often. The help could be for performing daily activities or for better preparation to be an active member of society. Children and their families can receive a wide range of support to meet their needs due to social conditions, stress, illness or disability.

Child protection

Reykjavík Child Protective Services (CPS) assists children and parents with problems ensure the future well-being and safety of children through a wide range of counseling, support and professional solutions.

Support program for children and families

The support program for children and families includes a wide range of solutions that are implemented according to the needs of each individual. The options on offer include classes and education, individual support, group work and parenting counseling.

Driving services for disabled children

Guardians of disabled children may apply for driving services, e.g. for recreation, medical visits, physical therapy, or to break social isolation.


A Better City for Children

Betri borg fyrir börn miðar að því að bæta þjónustu við börn, ungmenni og fjölskyldur þeirra í skóla- og frístundastarfi.  

Færa þjónustuna í auknum mæli í skólaumhverfi barna og ungmenna, veita viðeigandi stuðning sem fyrst og þétta samstarf skóla- og frístundasviðs og velferðarsviðs í þjónustumiðstöð hverfisins.