Quality and supervision

Reykjavík City oversees day care services and conducts three unannounced inspections yearly at each workplace, though day parents work independently.

Quality standards

There are quality standards for daycare based on regulations for home daycare. These are intended for both parents and day parents. Day parents can use them to organize their work or assess where their daycare stands.

Parents can use the standards to better understand the goals of home daycare and what aspects are important to consider when looking for a day parent.

Inappropriate conditions

If something in the daycare concerns you, it is important to provide feedback and comments to the day parent or day care advisor at the South Center, Breiðholt. You can contact day-parent advisors via email at daggaesla.umsjon@reykjavik.is


If you believe that children's conditions are inappropriate, both parents and day parents should report this to Child Protection. You can request anonymity.