Data protection

Illustration of a tree in the summer.

The City of Reykjavík strives to ensure, in every respect, the reliability, confidentiality and security of all personal data processed by the City. Therefore, the City has adopted the following Privacy Policy, in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 90/2018 on Data Protection and the Processing of Personal Data (“Data Protection Act”).

Privacy Policy of Reykjavík City

With this policy, Reykjavík City emphasizes the importance of ensuring that all processing of personal data within the municipality complies with the provisions of the Data Protection Act, as well as the policy development of the relevant departments and offices in the central administration. The Policy applies to any processing of personal data on behalf of Reykjavík City, including the activities of the City’s councils and committees, as well as activities where a third party has been entrusted with performing tasks on behalf of Reykjavík City.

Teikning af styttunni af Ingólfi Arnarsyni.

Data protection in school and recreational activities

The City of Reykjavík strives to ensure, in every respect, the reliability, confidentiality and security of all personal data processed by the City. Therefore, the City has adopted the following Privacy Policy, in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 90/2018 on Data Protection and the Processing of Personal Data (“Data Protection Act”).

Teikning af fjölskyldu sitja á rúmi og lesa.

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