Application for surface disturbance

An application for a usage permit must be made through the RoSy online application system. The applicant is responsible for providing the necessary supporting documents, and the application will not be processed until all documents are submitted.


In many cases, it's necessary to seek the opinion of other concerned parties such as Strætó bs., police, residents, and other stakeholders, which can extend the processing time. For larger projects, a special consultation meeting is convened with permit holders and relevant stakeholders.

Permit extension

If it becomes clear that the project cannot be completed within the permit's validity period, the permit holder must promptly apply for an extension and specify the reasons for seeking the extension. Apply for the extension in RoSy. If unexpected delays or changes in the project occur, the permit holder must also inform the relevant parties and Strætó bs. if it involves a bus route.

Project completion and surface finishing notifications

The permit holder must announce the completion of the project in the 'My Pages' section in RoSy. Upon announcing project completion, the surface must be top-filled and ready for surface finishing, which is the responsibility of Reykjavík City at the permit holder's expense. From October 15 to March 31, top filling must be done with cold asphalt.

Documentation with application

  • Marking plan for the delineation and markings of the work area. If safety and access to city land are compromised (e.g., closures or narrowing of streets, sidewalks, walking paths, or biking paths), a drawing showing the delineation of the work area, markings on and near the work area, and whether and how detours are planned must be submitted. A marking plan can either be a standard drawing in the guidelines of the Road Administration and Reykjavík City or a custom drawing for projects with significant impact on the immediate environment. The signage plan must be developed by someone who has passed the work zone signage exam by the Road Administration and Reykjavík City, thus meeting the rules for work zone signage.
  • Responsible person for signage. Name, phone number, and email address of the person responsible for signage at the work site. It is a requirement that the responsible person has passed the work zone signage exam by the Road Administration and Reykjavík City.
  • A dated photograph showing an overview and surface of the planned project area on city land.
  • Light poles, street furniture, or vegetation, if applicable. Information on whether it is necessary to remove light poles, street furniture, or vegetation due to the project.
  • Piping drawings. Drawings can be ordered on the websites of Veitur Utilities and Míla.
  • A development permit from the Planning Officer is required for major projects affecting the environment and its appearance.
  • A report for larger projects and building constructions (if the permit holder needs to use city land for projects within a plot).


The report should include information on:

  • A scheduled project plan if phasing is involved.
  • Information signs and the appearance of work area fencing since all work sites where projects last for an extended period must satisfy the provisions about information signs and the appearance of work area fencing. The number of information signs depends on the size of the work area. Here one can access a template for one sign and two signs.
  • Information dissemination to the surrounding area.
  • A detailed drawing showing the delineation of the area for each construction stage (e.g., demolition, earthworks, etc.), if applicable.
  • The transport of materials, equipment, and machinery to and from the construction site, if applicable.

Inquiries and suggestions

The phone hours for permits are Monday to Thursday from 10:30am to 11:30am at 411 1111.

Inquiries and suggestions can also be emailed to or call the service center at the above number and leave a message.