Rules and terms for summer jobs

Summer jobs at Reykjavík City 2024

  1. Applications for summer jobs with Reykjavík City are generally open from February 12 to March 3. Please note that the application period may be longer for certain city workplaces due to the nature of the operations. More information about application deadlines can be found at

  2. The goal is to offer adolescents born in 2007 and earlier general summer jobs and relief positions at the City's institutions.

  3. Generally, applicants must be at least 20 years old to be hired as instructors for summer courses or security positions. At the Reykjavík School of Work, the minimum age for instructors is 22 years, while team members and assistant instructors must be at least 20 years old.

  4. The employment period is 4 to 12 weeks.

  5. Young people with legal residence in Reykjavík have priority for jobs at Reykjavík City.

  6. An application for a job does not equate to an employment contract.

  7. If an applicant is rejected for a job application, they may potentially receive an offer for a position at another Reykjavík City workplace.

  8. Special rules apply to Creative Summer Jobs, where a dedicated professional team processes applications; see more details in the respective applications.

  9. Applications for jobs can only be made online on the summer job page.

  10. Reykjavík City reserves the right to change these rules without notice.

  11. Hitt Húsið Youth Center offers assistance to individuals aged 16-25 in search of summer employment.

For further information:

The Office of Recruitment & Staffing

Dept. of Human Resources & Work Environments
