New procedures to keep waste disposal intact and limit the spread of disease



The City of Reykjavík has taken on extra measures in order to protect its waste management employees during these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic.  In order to curb the spread of communicable diseases, people are asked to respect the following procedures.

This is done to make sure that waste management within the city limits remains intact.

  • Mixed waste must be disposed of in sealed bags (into the grey waste container).
  • Do not overfill containers, their lid must be able to close easily so that our workers do not come into direct contact with waste.
  • n homes where COVID-19 infection has occurred, special attention must be paid to curb the transmission of the virus.  You have to make sure to only use intact waste bags and seal them properly.  Disinfect your hands before disposing of the bags.  Dispose of used tissues into a sealed bag, and put it in the container for mixed waste.  Do not put tissues in the recycled paper bin.  The same applies to latex gloves and paper towels that have been used for cleaning or disinfection.
  • It is important to continue to sort out your waste in order to utilize the containers to the utmost.  Make sure to flatten milk containers, pizza boxes and the like to reduce the size.
  • In apartment buildings with garbage dumps, the barrels need to be replaced regularly to make sure the gutters do not clog up.
  • Those who take care of garbage rooms should pay close attention to hygiene and wash and / or disinfect afterwards. It is also good to use disposable gloves and discard them in the mixed waste afterwards.
  • Residents themselves have to take care of excess waste that does not fit in the regular containers, and take it directly to the next Sorpa recycling plant.

Common questions and answers

Will excess waste be collected if it is placed in sealed bags besides waste container?

No, this is no longer possible in order to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.

Is it safe to place plastic and paper in recycling containers or is it mandatory to dispose of them directly into neighbourhood recycling plants? Should we stop sorting and recycling of waste?

There is no reason to change your routine in sorting waste, with the exception that potentially contagious material must be placed in sealed bags in the grey containers for mixed waste. However, sorting and recycling is still important, in order to make sure that waste containers do not overspill.

I live in Kjalarnes and take part in a pilot project of sorting and recycling organic kitchen waste. Can I put paper towels and tissues into the organic compartment?

No, tissues and paper towels must be disposed of into the mixed waste container.

Sorted waste can be disposed of in neighbourhood recycling centres and Sorpa recycling plants throughout the city.  You can follow the waste management schedule at Reykjavík City waste management calendar, and keep up with the newest announcements regarding waste disposal.