Last days of the exhibition at Hafnarhús: The Whole is Always Smaller than its Parts

Daily life Arts & Culture


The last day of the exhibition D32 The Whole is Always Smaller than its Parts by Páll Haukur Björnsson is Sunday 18 March.

The last day of the exhibition D32 The Whole is Always Smaller than its Parts by Páll Haukur Björnsson is Sunday 18 March.

Björnsson approaches his materials by unraveling and displacing the definitive meanings the objects inherit. He searches the boundaries of their inertness to find an affinity or opposition. He manipulates an object away from its everydayness and perches it at a point where its inherent being becomes obscure. The Parts reminiscing changes undetectable in the fleet of a moment, but they subtly shift an indescribable but recognizable place in a language.

Páll Haukur is the 32nd artist to exhibit his work in the D-Hall series which started in 2007.