Fewer employees in quarantine and reopening of schools



The two schools that were closed due to COVID-19 infections, have now been reopened.  More employees are also returning to work from quarantine.  A special backup-force has been established to join the city’s welfare service during these precarious times.

There was a reason to rejoice when Háteigsskóli and Klettaskóli were reopened this week, and teachers, students and their families were relieved from two weeks of quarantine.  They can now resume their schedule – in appliance with the new reality of social distancing and sanitation measures within the school premises. This applies to some 500 employees in the two schools and after-school centres, as well as 130 families of Klettaskóli.

The students of Háteigsskóli have been mastering long-distance learning under the supervision of their teachers during the quarantine.  Still, they were really pleased to finally meet up with their schoolmates and enjoy somewhat restricted company within the classroom and after-school centres.

The city’s welfare department has managed to provide intact services for the most vulnerable groups within the community throughout this ordeal.  Some 83 employees are still under quarantine, but some 108 have, as of yesterday, been released from quarantine.

We still have to bear in mind that we are only experiencing the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.  In order to meet the consequences and to man the positions of those who may fall ill, a backup-force has been established to be called upon as the occasion rises due to required quarantine or isolation.

The backup-force consists of City employees, who are in the fortunate position of being able to put their own projects on hold and temporarily take upon new tasks within the welfare services - and can thus make sure that necessary services are being provided to the most vulnerable groups of society.