Counselling and Information Services for Immigrants

Welfare Human Rights

The City of Reykjavík offers open counselling and information for immigrants living in Reykjavík at the City Hall every Tuesday from 10 - 13.
The City has provided counselling for immigrants since 2010 where experienced counsellors have provided assistance. The open counselling is a cooperation between The Human Rights Office, The Department of Education and Youth and The Welfare Department. 
The counselling is in Icelandic, English and Polish. Immigrants needing this service who do not speak one of these languages may make an appointment with a counsellor and an interpreter. This service is also free of charge.
Place: Reykjavík City Hall,
Tjarnargata 11, 101 Reykjavík
Ground Floor
Day: Tuesdays
Time: 10 – 13
Information, advice, and counselling about:
  • city services available to you and help in accessing those services, such as financial assistance, rent benefits, social workers, etc.
  • your rights and obligations in Icelandic society.
  • solutions in family matters, e.g. child support, divorce and custody,
  • accessible help in cases of domestic violence.
  • residence permits and applying for Icelandic citizenship.
  • work-related issues including unemployment.
  • local organizations that can address your needs such as schools of Icelandic, adult education centres,  cultural and religious centres, family and women‘s help services, leisure and sport clubs, etc.
Advertising about the counselling in other languages is on the page to the right.