Changes in emptying of waste-barrels/bins

From 1st of January 2016 there will be changes in service of waste collection in Reykjavik.
Blue bin: for all paper and carton, newspapers, magazines, and all packaging made from carton such as milk and juice cartons. Rinse all food from the materials and compress them to make room for more. Do not put any plastics into the blue bin. Is collected with 21 day intervals
Green bin: For all plastics, both soft and hard. Soft plastics are for example  plastic bags, plastic film and bubble plastic. Hard plastics are containers of all sorts, for example yoghurt boxes, plastic trays, and shampoo containers. Rinse all food and chemicals from plastics before placing in bin. Is collected with 21 day intervals.
At apartment buildings, the number of grey bins may be reduced with the introduction of blue and green bins.
Grey – large: Only for mixed, light residential waste. It is forbidden to place paper and carton in this bin, garden waste, construction and demolition waste, soil or rocky materials. It is also forbidden to place bottles and cans which have recycling fee. Is collected with 14 day intervals
Grey – small: Only for mixed, light residential waste. It is forbidden to place paper and carton in this bin, garden waste, construction and demolition waste, soil or rocky materials. It is also forbidden to place bottles and cans which have recycling fee. Is collected with 14 day intervals
The grey-small bin is tailored for homes which have a small quantity of waste. It is cheaper than the grey–large bin.
All bins can be ordered at or by phoning 411 8500 and are delivered free of charge
Residents can also contact if they have any inquiries, tel 411 1111 or send an e-mail .  Learn more on this page
The table shows when and where the bins are emptied in the first week of the new year .
4. January
   City center to Nóatún
5. January
Eastown - Hlíðar, Lækir, Mýrar, Holt og Tún.
6. January
East of Kringlumýrarbraut - Teigar, Sund, Vogar, Lönd og Gerði.
7. January
8. January
Árbær, Grafarholt og Kjalarnes