Exhibition opening, live dance event, RIFF opening celebration

Daily life Arts & Culture


Pierre Coulibeuf: Doubling

Exhibition opening in Reykjavík Art Museum – Hafnarhús.

Thursday, 28 September at 20h00.

Pierre Coulibeuf: Doubling

Exhibition opening in Reykjavík Art Museum – Hafnarhús.

Thursday, 28 September at 20h00.

In his exhibition Pierre Coulibeuf presents three video installations, The Panic Monkey (2017), Dédale (2009) and Delectatio morosa (1988/2006). His most recent work was created in collaboration with the Icelandic dancers Erna Ómarsdóttir and Lovísa Ósk Gunnarsdóttir and partly shot in the museum‘s Hafnarhús venue. Ómarsdóttir and Gunnarsdóttir will do a live dance happening at the opening.

Previously, Coulibeuf has created works inspired by and in collaboration with Pierre Klossowski, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Marina Abramovic, Michel Butor, Jean-Marc Bustamante, Jan Fabre, Meg Stuart, among others. The exhibition coincides with RIFF, the Reykjavík International Film Festival, where selected films by Coulibeuf will be screened.

The Mayor of Reykjavík, Dagur B. Eggertsson, will open the exhibition and on the same occasion he will open the Reykjavík International Film Festival, RIFF.

RIFF opening 

Reykjavík International Film Festival will be opened formally in Hafnarhús on this same occasion. Host will be Jóhann Alfreð Kristinsson. Actress Unnur Ösp Stefánsdóttir, representative from the film industry, will give the annual festival splash and DJ Styrmir Hansson will play music into the night.


Friday, 29 September at 15h45: Special screening on Union of the North by Matthew Barney, Erna Ómarsdóttir and Valdimar Jóhannsson in Hafnarhús in collaboration with RIFF. The film is a part of Iceland Dance Company's SACRIFICE - a festival of common things made holy.