Primary school meals

Most students in Reykjavík City primary schools subscribe to school meals. School meals cost the same in all schools and you never need to pay for more than two primary school children per household.

How much do school meals cost?

School meal subscriptions are based on 20 days per month—no fee is charged for food in June, July, and August.

Invoices for school meals are sent out afterwards and the payment due date is at the start of the following month after the billing month. A 30-day grace period is granted from the due date to the final payment date, but it is entirely up to the payer to decide whether or not to utilize any or all of the grace period.

Parents only pay for school meals for two children who have the same family number, regardless of school level (preschool, primary school), other children get a 100% discount.

How do I apply for school meals?

You apply for school meals online. The food subscription will continue for the next school year unless terminated. If you wish to unsubscribe, please contact the school. If your child changes school, the food subscription is terminated at the old school and applied for at the new school. You may also terminate the school meal subscription online.

What kind of food is available?

Schools serve healthy food and menus can be viewed on the website of each school. The meals are based on the healthy food guidelines issued by the Directorate of Health.