Ekkert skólahald í Klettaskóla um óákveðinn tíma - English and polish below

Covid-19 Skóli og frístund


Skólahald í Klettaskóla, sem er sérskóli í Reykjavík og þjónar öllu landinu, hefur verið fellt niður um óákveðinn tíma eftir að starfsmaður greindist með Covid19. 


Schooling at Klettaskóli, a special school in Reykjavík, designed only for students with special needs and serves the entire country, has been cancelled indefinitely after an employee was diagnosed with Covid19.


Zajęcia szkolne w Klettaskóli, która jest szkoła specjalną w Reykjaviku obsługującą całą Islandię, zostały odwołane na czas nieokreślony z powodu pracownika zarażonego Covid-19.

Farið verður yfir stöðuna með fulltrúum sóttvarnalæknis. Foreldrar og starfsmenn skólans verða upplýstir í kjölfarið um framhaldið.


The situation will be carefully analyzed by representatives of the Director of Health. Parents and school staff will be informed of necessary measures as soon as possible.


Sytuacja zostanie omówiona z przedstawicielami Głównego Epidemiologa. Rodzice i pracownicy szkoły zostaną poinformowani o kolejnych krokach.