Transportation & Traffic

Whether you're traveling by car, bicycle, electric scooter, bus, or your own two feet, here you'll find information about transportation in Reykjavik City. It is in everyone’s interest to have the best possible flow of transport and traffic in the City.

Public Transport

Not everyone has to have a private car! Public transport is an eco-friendly option that gets you between places.


The purpose of the Reykjavik pathway system is to allow residents and visitors to bike around the City in a safe, fun, and eco-friendly way. Reykjavik aims to become a world-class cycling city. It is essential that people can choose to bike as their first choice when it comes to their mode of travel.


Pedestrian walkways, sidewalks, crossings, and streetlights. It is possible to get around in an eco-friendly way with Reykjavik’s pathway system.


The street system, snow clearance, tires, and parking. Useful information for drivers in Reykjavik.