Listening to residents and stakeholders

The Climate Policy was developed with input from residents and stakeholders. At the beginning of the preparation process, stakeholders were invited to submit proposals for action and attend workshops

Climate Action Plan

The Steering Committee considered these proposals and evaluated drafts of the climate policy. This review provided valuable feedback, which was taken into account as much as possible. The Committee specified the key actions of the policy and set targets for reducing emissions by 2030. The public will hopefully have a clearer understanding of what is included in the action plan, which will serve as a guide for the City in its efforts to reduce emissions and become carbon neutral over the next few years. The Climate Policy also emphasizes that the measures will be evaluated in terms of carbon dioxide equivalents and costs.

It also includes a gender equality evaluation. Experience and research indicate that climate change has the greatest negative impact on elderly individuals, people living in poverty, and children. Looking at gender shows that most seniors are women. Women are often the primary caregivers for children and are disproportionately affected by poverty. It is also important to take into account differences in gender specific consumer habits and travel behavior when setting goals and evaluating performance. To the extent possible, the effects of the different Actions on different social groups, with respect to income, origin, gender, and other factors, will be assessed.

15 actions

15-minute neighborhoods

As the City plans its districts, renews urban centers, and invests in infrastructure it will make walking and biking more accessible by ensuring access to green areas, outdoor activities, and services are within a 15-minute radius on foot or by bike.

Green city development

Future City development will be contained within the defined urban growth limit line, with 80% of housing located near the new Bus Rapid Transport system, CityLine (Borgarlínan).

Energy exchange everywhere

The City will create and implement a comprehensive plan for energy exchange infrastructure, including charging stations for private and commercial vehicles, public transport systems, ports, and ships.

World-class cycling city

The City will revise its biking plan with the goal of becoming a world-class cycling city.

CityLine and better public transportation

The city will improve and densify its public transportation system, playing a key role in changing travel behavior and reducing emissions. Further climate goals will be set through the state and SSH (Association of Municipalities in the Capital Area).

Zero waste

The City will develop a comprehensive plan for waste reduction and sustainable waste treatment through recirculation and recycling.

Green food

The City will implement a food policy and collaborate with green agriculture in Kjalarnes.

Green construction

The City will work with businesses and to make the construction industry greener.

Turning gas into stone

The City will partner with universities and high-emitting enterprises to develop and implement sequestration solutions for carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse gases, and technologies, such as those offered by OR and Carbfix.

Wetlands reclamation

To be increased according to a specific plan.

Climate Forests in Reykjavik

The City will work with the Reykjavik Forestry Association (Skógræktarfélag Reykjavíkur) to promote climate forests and will present a forestry plan.

No more fossil fuels by 2025

Starting in 2021, the City will no longer purchase fossil fuel-powered cars or equipment, and will replace its current fossil fuel-powered fleet and equipment before 2025.

Blue-green surface water solutions

The City will prioritize new, innovative utility systems with improved water usage and blue-green surface water solutions (SuDS) in new city districts and during renovations of older systems.

Flood control for parks and recreational areas

To provide recreation areas and ocean bathing facilities, the City will reinforce flood control structures along the coast as needed.

Collaboration with Business and Industry

The City will continue its partnership with Festa, Center for Sustainability, and businesses under the Climate Declaration of the City of Reykjavik and Festa to drive sustainability efforts in all sectors of the economy.