Building permits

The Building Commissioner in Reykjavík is responsible for issuing building permits in the city. If you plan to alter or construct housing, you often need to apply for a building permit. The application is processed through the Housing and Construction Authority's (HMS) application portal. There, you can fill out the application online and upload blueprints and other supporting documents.

Building Permit in brief

Constructing a house can be complicated. The building permit application process can be broken down into several main steps: preparation, application, approval of building plans, issuance of the building permit, inspections, and building occupancy.


1. Preparation

Is a permit required for the project?

Consult with professionals and get advice and/or send an inquiry to the Building Commissioner.


2. Application

Apply online.

Submit documents.

Pay fees.

Application reviewed by the Building Commissioner.


3. Building plans approved

Register responsible parties on My Pages.

Submit more detailed documents if needed.

Pay fees if needed.


4. Building permit issued

Construction can now begin.


5. Inspections

Must be completed before the building can be occupied.

Can occur at various stages of the construction process.


6. Building occupancy


Everything is in order, and the building can now be occupied.


There's a lot to consider when undertaking a construction project. Before applying for a building permit, it's good to check if a permit is required for the planned work. The property owner or lot holder can submit a formal inquiry before the design process begins to determine if it's likely that a building permit will be granted for the project. It is also helpful to consult with professionals (designers or architects) early on to get advice and assistance regarding the planned work.

Online application for building permit

Building permit applications are online in Reykjavík City. Applications are submitted through the Housing and Construction Authority (HMS) application portal, and you must log in with an electronic ID.

What happens after I apply?

After applying, you need to obtain approved building plans from the Building Commissioner. This means the building plans, or general plans, must meet all legal requirements for the project. Building permit applications are reviewed during the Building Commissioner's Permit Review Meetings on Tuesdays. It usually takes about five working days to review the application documents.

Sometimes, staff may need to make comments on the application that need to be addressed. Once the applicant's designer has responded and everything is resolved, the building plans are approved.

After this, a formal building permit can be issued.

Good to know about building permits

Hver er munurinn á samþykktum byggingaráformum og byggingarleyfi?

Samþykkt byggingaráform segja bara til um það hvort framkvæmdirnar uppfylli lagalegar kröfur. Þú mátt ekki hefja framkvæmdir strax þó að áformin hafi verið samþykkt, til þess þarf útgefið byggingarleyfi.

Skráning ábyrgðaraðila

Byggingarstjóri og iðnmeistarar eru ábyrgðaraðilar sem taka verkið að sér og bera ábyrgð á tilteknum verkþáttum. Hægt er að skrá byggingarstjóra og iðnmeistara rafrænt á Mínum síðum Reykjavíkurborgar. Eigandi sér um að skrá byggingarstjóra. Byggingarstjóri sér um að skrá iðnmeistara.

Hvernig fæ ég útgefið byggingarleyfi?

Samþykkt byggingaráform segja bara til um það hvort framkvæmdirnar uppfylli lagalegar kröfur. Þú mátt ekki hefja framkvæmdir strax þó að áformin hafi verið samþykkt, til þess þarf útgefið byggingarleyfi.

Hvað kostar að fá byggingarleyfi?

Greiða þarf lágmarksgjald vegna umsóknar um byggingarleyfi. Ef umsóknin er samþykkt þarf mögulega að greiða önnur viðbótargjöld sem fara eftir eðli og umfangi framkvæmdanna. Dæmi um slíkt eru gjöld vegna lögbundinna úttekta, yfirferðar og samþykktar raflagnauppdrátta, gatnagerðar og bílastæða.

Upplýsingar um lágmarksgjald og önnur viðbótargjöld er að finna í gjaldskrá byggingarfulltrúa.

What documents are needed to obtain a building permit?

The Building Commissioner issues a builder's checklist detailing the necessary documents for the project. Applicants receive the checklist by email when the building plans are approved.

When can construction begin?

Once responsible parties are registered, fees are paid, documents are submitted, and a formal building permit is issued, construction can begin. The building permit is issued with the condition that secondary plans (blueprints) are approved by the Building Commissioner before work on them commences.


Before a building can be used, it must undergo inspection. Inspections are carried out at various stages of construction and confirm that the building is complete and can be used. When the construction is finished, a final inspection is performed to ensure that it meets all requirements.