
Special school, grades 3 to 10

Vesturhlíð 3
105 Reykjavík


About Brúarskóli

Brúarskóli is a special school for children and adolescents facing significant mental, behavioral, or social difficulties. Brúarskóli operates in four locations in Reykjavík. In Vesturhlíð, in Brúarhús at Húsaskóli, on Dalbraut at BUGL, and in Stuðlar.

Brúarskóli is a temporary school arrangement with the goal of strengthening students and supporting them so they may be better equipped to study in a regular primary school. The focus is on working in a positive way to improve student behavior and praising them for what they do well. In addition, efforts are made to strengthen and enhance the students' social and interaction skills. Teaching occurs in small study groups and is individually tailored to the needs of each student.

Brúarskóli also has an advisory role towards general primary schools concerning difficult student behavior.

School administrators

Principal: Björk Jónsdóttir

Assistant Principal: Dóra Margrét Sigurðardóttir

Head of Division for Brúarhús: Guðrún Vala Jónsdóttir

Head of Division at Dalbraut: Birna Hjaltadóttir

Head of Counseling: Ingunn Eyjólfsdóttir

How do I apply?

Applications are submitted on provided forms, which you can find below. The student's home school must also submit an application at the same time.


School calendar

Here is the school calendar for Brúarskóli. The school calendar lists the planning days as well as other important information for parents and guardians.

School curriculum

Do you want to know more about the philosophy and daily operations of Brúarskóli? In the school curriculum, you'll find detailed information about the school's philosophical emphasis and approach to learning and work.

Parent guide

The Brúarskóli parent guide is designed to provide information about the school's operations. It contains a wide range of practical information for parents about activities at Brúarskóli. The aim is to ensure that all parents are well-informed and aware of the school's work.

Farsæld barna

Ný lög um samþætta þjónustu í þágu farsældar barna hafa tekið gildi. Markmiðið er að tryggja að börn og forsjáraðilar fái rétta aðstoð, á réttum tíma, frá réttum aðilum. Fjölskyldum og börnum sem þurfa snemmtækan stuðning er tryggður aðgangur að tengilið farsældar í nærumhverfi barnsins, svo sem í leikskóla eða grunnskóla. Tengiliður farsældar veitir upplýsingar og leiðbeiningar um þjónustu og stuðlar að því að börn og forsjáraðilar hafi aðgang að þjónustu án hindrana. Til að óska eftir samþættri þjónustu geta börn, ungmenni og forsjáraðilar haft samband við tengilið farsældar.

Tengiliður Brúarskóla er: Björk Jónsdóttir 

Nánari upplýsingar um lögin og þjónustuna eru á heimasíðunni​