Homes run by Child Protection Services

Sometimes a child needs to leave their home and stay elsewhere for longer or shorter periods to get help and targeted support. Residential placement facilities, family homes and foster homes are available.

Residential placement facilities

The Mánaberg and Hraunberg residential placement facilities are for children who, for various reasons, cannot stay at home and therefore need a second temporary home. In the homes, children live in safe conditions for short periods.

Parents and children receive support while the child stays at the residential placement facility, and parents may be invited to spend time there with their child. The family receives targeted support to improve communications, and parents are trained and supported in meeting their children’s needs.

Family homes

Family homes are for youth aged 13 to 20 who:

  • Have not received a permanent foster home but need to have one
  • Have been in a foster home but cannot live there anymore due to difficulties

In family homes, children receive individualized care and upbringing. Children usually live in the home for 1 to 4 years, but sometimes for shorter periods.

Foster homes

  • Temporary foster care

Children live in temporary foster care when it is expected that parents will be able to improve their situation and the child will be able to return home after their stay in the foster home. Temporary foster care may last for a maximum of two years.

  • Permanent foster care

Children live in permanent foster care when their circumstances call for them to grow up with someone other than their parents. In a permanent foster home, children are guaranteed good parenting conditions and the opportunity to form a permanent bond with their foster parents. Before permanent foster care begins, there is a trial period during which foster parents and foster children will have the opportunity to become acquainted.

  • Supported foster care

Children live in temporary foster care for a maximum of two years. There, they receive the intensive support of foster parents who have the education, experience and knowledge to support children with major emotional and behavioral problems. Foster parents work closely with other professionals and institutions.