Að gerast dagforeldri

Langar þig að gerast dagforeldri? Gæða- og eftirlitsstofnun velferðarmála veitir rekstrarleyfi til daggæslu í heimahúsum.

Síminn þar er 540 0040 en hægt er að senda fyrirspurn einnig á netfang þeirra; gev@gev.is

How do I become a day parent?

The Welfare Quality and Inspection Authority grants permits and you can apply for an operating license from this agency. On My Pages, you can see what is required to obtain an operating license for home daycare.

Once the applicant has applied for an operating license, day care advisors at the South Center enroll the individual in a mandatory course for day parents.

Can everyone become a day parent?

It is not so simple!

There are several conditions that must be met in order to obtain an operating license.

Do you meet the following criteria?

Be at least 20 years old

<p>Please note that if you are 65 years of age or older, you will only be given a permit for one year at a time.</p>

Basic training

<p>Have completed the mandatory course or have other education in the field of pedagogy, teaching, and/or sociology.</p>

Medical certificates

<p>Return a medical certificate for you and your family.</p>

Criminal record

<p>Submit a criminal record for you and members of your family over 15 years of age.</p>

Fire prevention

<p>The Welfare Quality and Inspection Authority orders a fire safety inspection from the Capital Region Fire Service.</p>


<p>Submit a recommendation from the last employer or a recommendation from two responsible people.</p>

Tobacco prevention

<p>Respect the Tobacco Control Act. Smoking and the use of other intoxicants are prohibited during the children's stay.</p>

Play space

<p>Provide at least 3 square meters of indoor play space for each child.</p>

Outdoor facilities

<p>Provide adequate and hazard-free outdoor facilities.</p>

Accident insurance

<p>Buy accident insurance within a month of receiving your license from the day parents' association or your insurance company.</p>